The Internet

Wikipedia defines the Internet as:

The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks…

but the ordinary man in the street will perceive the Internet based on how he uses it.

  • Some use the Internet for Entertainment, playing games online or possibly watch videos from YouTube or similar sites.
  • Some use the Internet to Communicate with family and friends using Facebook or even eMail
  • Some use the Internet to Write and Publish their work through Web Sites or Blogs
  • Some use the Internet to Sell their Services or Products through online Shops

The Internet is not easy to define because there is so much that you can do. It has evolved from a source of information to an interactive platform for both business and entertainment. It has changed how we communicate and stay in tough with Family and Friends. progress is inevitable and the Internet is bound to evolve further still.

Originally Published on Solutions Web:- le Blog


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